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iraq insights.
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Memo: Sudani to visit DC
The Arbitration Ruling & the Erbil-Baghdad Oil Agreement – Reactions
Economic Diversification, Energy Transition, and the Labor Market in Iraq and the Gulf
Iraq and Iran: Reforming and Consolidating the Relationship
Majid Jafar: Net Zero Ambitions in Iraq & the Middle East
The U.S. Withdrawal from Iraq & Its Impact on Baghdad, Erbil, & the Relations Between Them
Karen E. Young: Lessons Learned for Baghdad & Erbil From the GCC
Nawzad Al-Salihi: The KRG's Digitalisation Strategy
Mohammed Al-Hakim: the government's reform agenda
Ramon Blecua: Can a national dialogue build consensus in Iraq?
Salam Jabbar: youth empowerment & reforms in Iraq
Ahmed Tabaqchali discusses Iraq's reforms and challenges
Anne-Laure Kiechel: Economic reforms in Iraq - an international perspective
Carole Nakhle: how to achieve economic diversification
Salem Chalabi speaks to IPG and discusses the White Paper
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